Monday, July 28, 2014

Beauty Tips

Hey Fellow readers!
            During the summer it's important to keep yourself hydrated not only for your health,  but your body and face need it as well. The summer months can make your skin feel dry using a proper cleanser as well as lotion can help your skin stay fresh. A few months ago I was looking for a better face wash because I have to admit I have struggled with a oily and dry complexion. It's important ladies to know what products are good for you as well as having rituals to keep your face looking young and fabulous! I actually got told by a Co-worker on a face wash called Aveeno  her face was flawless and I knew I had to try it out. It's best to know what your face will do well with because what is great for one skin type may not be suitable for another. Although I have to admit this Aveeno face wash works wonder and it will work with all face types. Since I have used it my face hasn't been oily and it feels great too! Not only is it important to clean your face, but as I mentioned earlier using beauty rituals that will help you keep your beauty!  I have attached an image of the product I have been using as well as an article that lists bad habits we can do for our beauty.  What do you use for your beauty routine? I would love to hear from you!
This product is great and helps to even skin tones!

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