Monday, July 21, 2014

Idea of the day!

Hey Fellow readers!
          I wanted to change my post today instead of ootd I will be talking about an idea of the day!  I bring to you today a hobby I just started to do this summer. I always wanted to create something not only to have a getaway to come home to from a long day of work/school, but to have creative ideas and share them! I started to research and my eye got caught in making candles! I read about how to get started in order to make them and it is easier then it looks!  I will post on my blog how to make them once I get better with it! Today I'm sharing the ones I have made so far and how it's important to take time out of your busy day and unwind by making something!  I know most of us will say If I make something I'll get a headache it will not be relaxing (the reason I say this is because I thought the same thing). However, I do not feel like that at all once you seen what you created it's the best feeling! I love walking into places and the pretty scents take over you! This is what candle making does you can create any scent and color you want with any container you would like it's really fun! I have posted below a picture of my creations! I look forward to making more if you would like any scents or a particular candle comment below or contact me I would love to hear from you! I plan to sell these or any ones you would like I can create! What's your favorite hobby?!
Each candle is a different color and the scents are listed on the labels.

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