Sunday, February 8, 2015

Weekend ootd

     What I like about beautiful weather, when the sun is glaring there's no rain and the breeze feels nice is the outfit you can wear. In the valley, the weather is usually hot and humid in the summers and cold/rainy in winter, however we had been blessed to have some weekends in January/February to be weather where a pair of boots, jeans and a half-way top would do! I really love the style of crochet for Spring season. When I saw the sweater (shown below) at the store I knew I can wear it with temperatures in the 70's. Sure thing I did! It is the perfect style to wear on days like this! What do you wear on sun breezy days? Comment below I would love to hear from you!
Crochet beige sweater: Forever 21, brown riding boots: Target, dark blue skinny jeans: Forever 21

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