Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year

   Today I dedicate this post to being grateful for a New Year! As I look back at 2016, it has been a good one. However, with a New Year comes New Year resolutions you know you hear people saying New Year, New me. I know, i know blah, blah, blah lol, but I honestly I don't keep up with my resolutions. Although this year I am, the reason why is because I need to take more time to relax and unwind. It falls back to not working 24/7 and the profession I am in really can make you feel like you are working around the clock. I think I really can't feel drained and not do things I enjoy, such as writing my blog.
     I look back and I wanted to do so much more because honestly what girl doesn't love fashion and sharing it! I look at the picture  (shown below) and it makes me know do what you love and be happy! I will look forward and take time for myself to write and also to be healthy because without your health you can't do what you love and spend it with the people you love! So my New Years resolution is stick to leaving work at work (and know it's hard because of grading papers and doing paperwork, but take time to enjoy and write) and be healthy! Plus you don't want too many resolutions because then it gets messy to remember and do all of them lol. I leave this post saying Sparkle into the New Year and we all know we love to wear Sequins and Glitter tops for New Years Eve! Which is what I did and I got this skirt on sale!! If you haven't' already take time for yourself to shop online stores are having such great sales, such as Loft, Old Navy and Agaci. What did you wear to ring in the New year? Comment below would love to hear from you! Happy New Year!!